Odor Control, Services

Yet Another Reason to Consider Scrub n Shine's Odor Control (Deodorization) System

Discover the Safety of Scrub n Shine’s Odor Control (Deodorization) System

In the pursuit of pleasant fragrances, homeowners often turn to plug-in deodorizers, believing them to be harmless sources of delightful scents. However, a recent incident with a Bath & Body Works plug-in deodorizer, akin to Glade Plug-Ins, serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers these devices can pose.

Plug-In Deodorizers: A Hidden Fire Hazard

These seemingly innocuous plug-in deodorizers, reliant on electrical power to warm up scented oil, can unexpectedly transform into fire hazards. The alarming incident involving a purchased deodorizer came dangerously close to turning a home into ashes, highlighting the risks associated with such devices.

Scrub n Shine’s 24/7 Passive Odor Control System: A Safe Alternative

In contrast to electrically powered deodorizers, Scrub n Shine introduces a revolutionary 24/7 Passive Odor Control ( Deodorization) System. What sets our system apart is its reliance on no electrical power, providing both safety and efficiency. Featuring a patented malodor counteractant, our system treats spaces of up to 6000 cubic feet for an impressive duration of up to 3 months. Importantly, it operates without propelling acetone, propane, or butane, ensuring a secure and cost-effective solution.

Exclusive Offer for Multi-Housing Properties in Twin Cities and St. Cloud Areas

As part of our commitment to safety and client satisfaction, we present a limited-time offer for multi-housing properties in the Twin Cities and St. Cloud areas. Subscribe to our Odor Control Service, and you’ll receive FREE DISPENSERS and FREE INSTALLATION. This offer requires a minimum commitment of 12 dispensers and a 2-year agreement. By choosing Scrub n Shine’s Odor Control Service, not only will you save time and money, but you’ll also enhance tenant relations through a safer and more pleasant environment.

Secure Your Space with Scrub n Shine’s Odor Control Service

For those seeking a reliable and secure odor control solution, Scrub n Shine is here to help. Contact us to discuss your specific odor control situation, and let us introduce you to the safety and efficiency of our 24/7 Passive Odor Control (Deodorization) System. Your well-being is our top priority!

Minnesota Specialty Commercial Cleaning Services


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