Industry News

Cheap Ice Melters are Destructive

The Hidden Dangers of Cheap Ice Melters: A Lesson in Ice Melt Products

In the realm of ice melters, the notion that “salt is salt” can have costly consequences. It’s surprising how many facility managers opt for the cheapest ice melting products, only to later grapple with the rapid deterioration of sidewalks, entrance mats, carpets, and floor finishes. This “salt is salt” approach, coupled with the reluctance to invest in quality industrial mats, might seem like a negligible cost-saving strategy. However, the real puzzle lies in how it may lead to the unintentional destruction of carpets, flooring, and concrete worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Understanding Ice Melt Products

Sodium Chloride: The Culprit in Cheap Ice Melters

Most inexpensive ice melters predominantly consist of sodium chloride. While this may seem like a cost-effective choice, these products perform poorly and require heavier application rates to melt ice and snow. Furthermore, sodium chloride is abrasive and only effective down to a temperature of +20F degrees.

Calcium Chloride: A Double-Edged Solution

Pure calcium chloride boasts excellent melting capabilities and moisture absorption but comes with drawbacks. While it can melt ice and snow to -50F degrees, it tracks into buildings and poses harm to pets’ paws and surrounding plantings.

Note: Many low-cost ice melter products falsely claim to contain calcium chloride when they barely have a trace amount.

Magnesium Chloride: Safer Yet Destructive

Pure magnesium chloride is a safer option for pets and plantings, melting ice and snow down to -17F degrees. However, it has its downsides, particularly its potential to be somewhat destructive to concrete. Magnesium chloride tends to cling and penetrate air pockets in concrete, leading to degradation over time.

Note: Similar to calcium chloride, some cheaper ice melter products falsely claim to contain magnesium chloride when they barely have any.

The Solution: Professional, Quality Blended Ice Melters

The key to effective and safe ice melting lies in using professional, quality blended ice melters. When choosing a product, scrutinize the label and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to determine the exact amount of each chloride in the blend. A balanced blend typically includes calcium chloride to jumpstart the melting process, complemented by magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride. Knowing the chloride usage per 100 square feet allows you to gauge the potential exposure to destructive sodium chloride on your entries and walkways.


At Scrub n Shine, we provide access to excellent sources for high-quality ice melter products. Contact us for more information on how to safeguard your surfaces during icy conditions. Don’t let the allure of cheap ice melters lead to expensive consequences.

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